Pathway of Clarity
An eleven card reading that is a more detailed information in depth guidance reading. The cards drawn represents the current journey you are on which includes mindset, emotions, and situations, it includes the blocks or challenges, the root cause, any past influence, your higher purpose, what needs to be released, what needs to be embraced, the path forward, any external influences, hopes, fears, and outcomes.
Included with this reading is a 100ml Cleanse and Protect Spiritual Wellness Spray, a personalised 100ml Spiritual Wellness Spray, and a 10ml aromatherapy roller blend that is made from the essential oils that I'm guided to that represent the cards drawn.
The reading is done in my sacred space, no face to face is required, readings are scheduled to be done on a Wednesday or Thursday night. The reading is emailed to you with an image of the cards drawn for you, normally the next day, then the products and a copy of the reading are posted to you on Monday. There are instructions included with the product on how to use it.
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